


D1: a christmas setting

First trial at adobe illustrator.
a warm and red christmas setting for the year 2010. (a little early i know....)

Arrows for the icicles, 4 arrows rotated and combined as one shape
pen tool to make the white line. blend and expand option for the white stripes

pen tool for the christmas tree, with roughen as the effect

used pen tool to draw one layer for the lighter green leaves. combined 3 layers together with different blends, created an art brush with the created layer, and used pen tool to draw the pattern out again decorated tree with it

radial gradient for the christmas balls. purple,red,orange, blue

outer glow for the star, white outer glow.

lights, used 3 different colours. used symbol sprayer after added 3 different colour eclipse to the symbols


Behind The Web

Loves Illustrator a lot. Draws using illustrator as well. You may contact me anytime if you have a request coming

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”An artist is not paid for his labour but for his vision.”
James MacNeill Whistler